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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Bitcoins and Hats

So, I've gotten into the "fad" that is Bitcoin, the virtual P2P currency that seems to be an interesting exercise in time-wasting. None of my computers are sufficiently powerful to mine these Bitcoins at a rate that gets me anywhere, but that doesn't really stop me from trying, I suppose. With that said, those who have a reasonable amount of these digital spending tokens are more than welcome to donate to the following address:


And, for those of you who would like to see something in return, I will make the following offer. Back when the Orange Box was released, I bought it for two reasons: One, Half Life 2: Episode 2, and two, Portal, which I was already aware was an excellent game as soon as I had heard about it. Of course, I got the added bonus of Team Fortress 2, which I played and enjoyed for quite some time. However, I no longer have much of an interest in TF2, and have a large stock of random weapons, items and a few virtual hats.  Those active players who would be interested may contact me for trading purposes. I will accept any reasonable offers, both via PayPal, and the aforementioned Bitcoin transactions. My Steam ID is MtnDrew[FuG]. I may just decide to give some of the stuff I have away via the Steam trading functionality, as you can now trade for things other than in-game items.

Those of you wondering why I'm pushing for donations and trading digital goods should be aware that I'm doing it solely to finance a better graphics card. Sure, the GeForce2 MX 200 I mentioned in my previous posts is acceptable, but I would much rather have a Radeon HD 4650 or comparable, as it would be the most powerful AGP graphics option available, at this time. In order to afford this item, I would need between $50 and $75, or approximately 15 - 25 BTC, based on current exchange rates. Those who help me reach this goal will be thanked profusely, and honored with a very special video update on my YouTube channel.

EDIT: While I am still in the market for a more powerful graphics card, I have decided that I will leave it up to my own efforts to make that happen. I just can't take comfort in the knowledge that other people's hard-earned money would go to purchase something for my entertainment, when there are so many other, much more noble, causes that it could go toward. So, by all means, disregard any statements made with respect to donations or trading digital goods for cash money. While it seemed like a good idea when I first made this post, I realize that it means much more to find my own way to get what I want.


Drew AKA redrew89 AKA MtnDrew

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