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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Getting Political

As much as I'd hate to get into topics that are rather dry, bland, or otherwise upsetting, there is a situation in the US that I feel strongly about. This week, Congress is reconvening after their winter break, and one of the first items on it's agenda is PIPA/SOPA. The PROTECT IP Act, and Stopping Online Piracy Act are two pieces of legislation that would allow the United States Government the ability to block websites at the DNS level, essentially removing them from the Internet. The language used in the bill is vague enough to allow legitimate websites to be removed, simply because they have the potential to be used to circumvent copyright. There is nothing wrong with trying to prevent piracy, but using wide, sweeping legislation, that can be abused, is certainly a bad way to go about things. For a much better explanation, let me hand things over to one of my Internet idols, TotalBiscuit:

So, with yourself educated, here's what you can do: contact your elected Representatives and Senators, and urge them to oppose these bills. By all means, maintain courtesy, but make it known that you will not be inclined to re-elect those Congressmen that support legislation that could drastically alter the Internet.

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